Sunday, May 4, 2014

Branching Out

A few posts ago, I wrote about how difficult it has been lately to find World War II veterans who able and willing to speak about their experiences as the population is quickly aging.  I went to one of my favorite greasy spoons for breakfast today and happened across not one, but four, WWII veterans who are potential candidates!  I had a couple of business cards for the Red Cross left over in my purse, and did my best to explain the project.

I'm hopeful that I will get at least one call back from them; they seemed like really funny and nice people.

In the meantime, I am starting to branch out to my network and interview where I can.  I recently finished an interview with one of my connections who served in Vietnam and at the same time sent off an interview with a lovely young woman that interpreted submarine signals through the Cold War into the Gulf War.  This week, I am setting up an interview with a friend that should be really interesting.

If you know any veterans in the Austin, Texas area that might like to speak about their experiences, or if you are a veteran who would like to tell your story, please get in contact with me by leaving a message or emailing me at my name at gmail dot com.  I would be delighted to speak with you further about the project.