Saturday, June 23, 2012

Parting memories

A few days ago, I received a call from a friend of a veteran whose caller ID had me listed as a recent contact.  She had fallen into a coma and would not be long on this earth.  Yesterday, I delivered a commemorative DVD and archival materials to her family who are staying at her house. She is in Hospice and I requested a rush order to get the DVD through (thank you to everyone who helped).

It was difficult to explain to the family that the DVD was not for the veteran, but that I delivered it for her family. It is my hope that they will find the video comforting.  Near the end of the visit I believe they understood the reason I was there. If there is one thing that would make me happier at a time like that, it would be to be able to listen to my loved one's voice one last time - maybe not at that exact moment, but at a later time when the feeling is not so fresh.

As I pulled away from the house I was sad that I would not talk to her again - we had been conversing through email - but I hope that I brought an outsider's perspective on the veteran's extensive and selfless service to what must be a troubling time for her family.

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